Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Low And Inside

Reeling from a series of setbacks ranging from the faltering war in Iraq to record-low approval ratings to the recent indictment of one of his cabinet members, Pres. Bush sought to end his disastrous trip to Latin America on an upbeat note yesterday by challenging a team of Panamanian Little Leaguers to a game. The President easily defeated the eight-year-olds, at one point mowing down thirteen consecutive batters with a combination of fastballs, sliders and what he termed a little “chin music,” which he said was necessary to “keep the kids honest.” After the game, which the President won 34 to 0, he told the assembled coaches and diplomats that he felt “ten feet tall” and “ready to take on North Korea and Iran”. Reporters were unclear whether the President meant militarily or on the baseball field.

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