Tuesday, May 23, 2006

If I'm Being Honest... (#1)

... I really hate Wisconsin's quarter. They can put whatever they want on the back of a quarter and they choose a cow and a wheel of cheese?

As for Colorado, well, I don't hate it as much as Wisconsin's. But seriously -- the most eloquent thing they could come up with to memorialize their state on the back of a quarter was "Colorful Colorado"? Kind of get the feeling they punted.


Mike V. said...

our state (CA) quarter is OK, but one of the choices that lost I think would have been best.

it was simply rings as if the quarter was a slice of a giant sequoia (the HUGE redwoods)

I know it sounds weird, but it was a cool design.

Some of the choices were awful.
Like the Hollywood hills sharing the quarter with the golden gate bridge??

Bill Diamond said...

I was kind of partial to the sun and the waves design in the "Top 5 Finalists Submitted to the Mint". It was different, but not as cheesy as, well, Wisconsin.


Anonymous said...

I love what Texas used on the back of their quarter, Texas. Hubris at its best.

Bill Diamond said...

You're absolutely right. That is sort of lame.