Friday, June 30, 2006

They Must Hate Freedom

Am I the only one who saw the news today and thinks we may be facing a new and insidious threat? Here are the details: First, the BBC reports that marine biologists have confirmed that sharks have an internal compass that allows them to navigate huge distances under water by detecting changes in magnetic fields. Then researchers in New Zealand discover that pigeons can cover huge distances in the air thanks to tiny magnetic particles in their beaks that they use to sense the Earth's magnetic field. Then a Swiss/German team of scientists writes in Science that ants can measure exact distances using what amounts to an internal pedometer.

Isn't it obvious what's going on here? The animal kingdom is getting ready for something. Think about it -- they've got air, sea and land covered, they've got to be unbelievably pissed off at how we're trashing the planet...

I know, kind of a crackpot theory and even I wasn't ready to commit to the idea that our human hegemony over Earth may soon be under attack. Until I saw this...

Face it, people. If the mice and frog populations can organize like this, maybe Hawking's right and it really is time to find a new planet.

1 comment:

Jude Cowell said...

Poles are shifting, m'friend! But we may as well be jolly about it (love your pix and captions, btw.)